@ OUG Star Bar
30/06/2022 8-10pm
Easy Trading for Profit with MTradeGo
Master The Stock Options Trading Blueprint.
Now You Can Easily Learn to Develop,
Protect Your Stocks Portfolios
Profit From The Capital Market Globally.
Our Program is designed for BEGINNERS (Even complete newbies) who want to achieve CONSISTENT RETURNS from the market without engaging in excessive risk.
It is also designed for experienced investors & traders who want to diversify into safer strategies to compound your wealth.
What Will You Learn about stock investing and options trading
>>All the principles you need to know to become profitable in investing & trading stocks & options market.
>>How to find the RIGHT Company Stock Options to Trade & making money from it in DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY Basis.
>>Dig into the “Dos” and “Don’ts” to plan for your entry and exit trade.
>>Understand the basic terms & concept of Stock Options.
>>How to read Stock Options Contract and determine the Options Price.
>>Use Options as an "Insurance" to protect your stocks positions.
>>Understand the psychology of a successful Options traders to help accelerate your success rate in stock options investment & more....
Below are track records of REAL Stock Option Trades that are easily profitable over a short period of time:
Example 1 (Options):
(.5 - 4.5) x 100 units = Profit USD100 (22%) in under 1 day only
*USD 100 => RM 416
Example 2 (Options):
(5.31 – 4.76) x 100 units = Profit USD55 (11.6%) in 36 minutes only
*USD 55 => RM 228.80
Example 3 (Options):
(5.88 – 4.62) x 100 units = Profit USD126 (27.3%) in 19 minutes only
*USD 126 => RM 524.16
Example 4: (stock)
(253 – 248.42) x 30 = Profit of USD 137.40 in 1 day only
*USD 137.40 => RM 571.58
Example 5 (Options):
(6.92 – 5.08) x 100 = Profit of USD184 (36.2%) in 6 hours only
*USD 184 => RM 765.44
Example 6: (stock)
(446.84 - 420) x 5 = Profit of USD 134.20 in 5 hours only
*USD 134.20 => RM 558.27
Example 7: (stock)
(113.51 - 112.08) x 50 = Profit of USD 71.50 in 5 days only
*USD 71.50 => RM 297.44
Example 8: (stock)
(424.79 – 398.47) x 50 = Profit USD 131.60 in 5 days only
*USD 131.60 => RM 547.45
Example 9: (options)
(10.3 – 8.67) x 100 = Profit USD163 (18.9%) in 1 day only
*USD 163 => RM 652
The material provided herewith is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This includes all material in the modules, videos, PDF attachments, and quizzes, including the MTradeGo Manual and Guide. The information included herewith is a suggestion only and may not be suitable for all. MTradeGo is not engaged in rendering investment advice and the information provided is not a substitute for a professional investment opinion. Every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible. However, inadvertent errors may occur. MTradeGo disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and inaccuracy of the information. If misleading, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate information is brought to our attention, a reasonable effort will be made to correct or remove it. MTradeGo reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice. In no event shall the course provider, or any of its subsidiaries be liable to any entity for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, or other damages that are related to the use of, or the inability to use.